Chair of the Meeting - Pat Hayden, Inverness Airport Consultative Committee

Click here to see the minutes of the meeting


1.    Notes of last meeting  

2.    Matters arising from the last meeting which are not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

3.    Aviation Policy Update - 

(a)        Presentation by Tim May, DfT giving an overview of the key themes being addressed as part of the review of the Aviation Strategy followed by a discussion on those matters where the DfT would welcome the views of ACCs’ on, including the proposed review of the noise action plans; the proposal to establish a national indicator for noise performance; and how ACCs can help in identifying best practice in noise and environmental performance reporting by airports and to their ACCs.  An update will also be given on the DfT's work programme to include the work of the Airspace Strategy Board;  the work of ANEG and the key outcomes from the recent compensation and noise discussion sessions; and drones

(b)     Land Use Planning – The Secretariat’s paper provides an update on the need for new government guidance on land use planning following the revocation of Planning Policy Guidance Note 24 (PPG24) on Planning and Noise.

 (c)        To agree a collective UKACCs response to the Government’s Aviation Green Paper “Aviation 2050 – The Future of UK Aviation”.  The Secretariat’s paper sets out a suggested UKACCs response for consideration.

 4.    Independent Commission for Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN)  -  Rob Light, Head Commissioner and Sam Hartley, Secretary to the Commission, ICCAN, to outline the work of ICCAN and its recently issued draft Corporate Strategy followed by a discussion on the key issues to be addressed.  To also explore ways in which ICCAN can engage with the work of ACCs individually and collectively through UKACCs.

 5.    Airspace Modernisation - 

(a)        To discuss the requirements of the CAA's airspace change process set out in CAP1616 and the various stages of the process where ACCs have a role in the new process.  The Secretariat's paper further considers the expected role of ACCs in the process and sets out for approval some guiding principles for ACCs to consider when airspace changes are being planned at their airports.

(b)        To discuss issues arising from the airspace modernisation programme, the timeline of airports currently involved and those yet to be involved in the programme, an overview of recent developments within Airspace Regulation in terms of the way in which the CAA manage/oversee the process, the need for airspace information transparency and the key challenges to be addressed.  Click here to see the update  by the CAA.

DfT Guidelines for ACCs - 

(a)    Roundtable discussion - delegates are asked to feedback on the top two key issues faced by their ACC over the past year, how those issues have been addressed/ resolved and whether there are any gaps in the DfT’s guidance or airports/aviation policy that would assist ACCs in their work.

(b)    Community Engagement Mechanisms –  Tim May, DfT to outline the key themes arising from the ACCs' questionnaire responses and next steps followed by a discussion on new approaches taken by member ACCs to engage with the wider communities around their airports and to identify areas of best practice.

7.    Heathrow Community Engagement Board (HCEB)  -  Sam Matthews, Head of Communications & Strategy, HCEB to give a presentation on the structure and work of HCEB one year on, key challenges and what has worked well and the use of social media to reach out to the wider communities. Followed by a discussion on shared learning and experience.

 8.    CAA Consumer Panel  -  Trisha McAuley, Consumer Panel Member, to give an update on the work of the CAA’s Consumer Panel and its focus over the past year.  The Secretariat’s paper summarises the key points from the Consumer Panel’s Annual Report 2017-18.  The Panel's work programme August 2018 – March 2020 is available on the CAA’s website – click here.  Delegates are asked to identify whether there are any passenger service issues impacting on the overall passenger journey experience which are of concern to ACCs that need to be brought to the attention of the Consumer Panel.

 9.    Passengers with Disabilities  -  The Secretariat's paper summarises the outcome of the CAA’s Annual Monitoring 2018 of disability service standards at UK airports.  It also considers the requirements of the CAA’s recently issued revision to CAP1228: Guidance on Equality Standards.  

 10.    Taxi Operations & Airport Related Parking in Neighbourhoods around Airports  -  Some airports have experienced problems with taxi operations and airport related parking in residential areas close to their airports.  The Secretariat's paper highlights some of the problems already shared with UKACCs.  

 11.    Aviation & Health  - The  Secretariat's paper summarises the key human health issues associated with the environmental impacts of aviation, the recommendations of the World Health Organisation’s guidance on Environmental Noise in relation to aviation and highlights issues for discussion.

12.    Membership of the UKACCs Liaison Group - The Secretariat's paper informs delegates of the air traffic statistics at UKACCs airports for 2018 and gives details of those airports which fall within UKACCs’ membership criteria and the current scale of membership subscription fees.

13.    Any Other Business

14.     Venues for Future Conferences

2020 – Bristol on 17/18 June