What is UKACCs?

Since 1980 the Chairs and Secretaries of the Airport Consultative Committees (ACCs) of the larger UK airports have met annually to share experience and to discuss matters of common interest.  Our Annual Meetings are hosted by a different airport each year.

There are now twenty-four ACCs that are members of UKACCs.  To be a member of UKACCs the ACC's airport must either:

  • airports that have a passenger throughput of more than 600,000 passengers per annum;
  • airports that handle more than 20,000 fixed wing aircraft ATMs per annum, which include a
    proportion of passenger flights. Consideration of membership for such airports is by
    application and such applications are subject to consideration and the approval of
    UKACCs; or
  • be an airport of particular regional significance. Consideration of membership for regionally
    significant airports is by application and such applications are subject to consideration and
    the approval of UKACCs.

To ensure that UKACCs is in a strong position nationally to both contribute to the DfT's and CAA's policy and strategy development and in parallel to ensure that the ACC community has a concerted and coordinated voice at a variety of important and influential national fora and with stakeholder bodies, it has agreed a two year Indicative Work Programme.  Click here to see UKACCs' Work Programme for 2024-26.